Face and Neck Lift for Men with Dr. Dean Kane in Baltimore
Men are equally concerned about how their faces are aging, especially men who are staying in the workforce longer and competing with a younger generation. Another reason men choose facial rejuvenation are back in the dating world after a death of their spouse or a divorce. Whatever the reason, Dr. Dean Kane, board-certified plastic surgeon of Baltimore provides a beautiful natural face and neck lift and helps men achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance.
Standard Mini-Face and Neck Lift or the SMAS Facelift
Men have a choice in their facelift options with Dr. Dean Kane. To keep it simple and to mainly remove the excess lax skin of the face and neck, a SMAS technique is ideal to tighten and lift the muscles of the face to remove the excess skin from the face, cheeks, jowls and neck. The scars are well hidden along the sideburn, within the inside edge of the ears, down into the crease of the earlobe and behind the ears. No scars are seen on the face at all.
Face and Neck Lift with both SMAS and Platysmaplasty of the face and neck muscles
When men are concerned by both their turkey necks as well as their face laxity, then the next level of facelifts include everything described above, but Dr. Kane will also include tightening the neck muscles called the Platysmaplasty. This procedure requires a small incision below the chin, where Dr. Kane brings the platysmaplasty neck muscles together to reduce the neck banding and tightening the neck in an upward position to give the neck a completely tight and lifted neck.
With this procedure, Dr. Kane also lifts the SMAS muscles of the face to bring the jowls and cheeks up into a prior youthful position. The same skin laxity is removed through the same incisions along the sideburns, inside the edge of the ears and behind the ears so no scars are seen on the face as you can see by the before and after pictures of the men below.
Recovery of these procedures will take approximately two to three weeks.
To find out about Facials Rejuvenation in Maryland, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at (410) 602-3322 and ask for Lauri Kane. Schedule a Consultation Today
Non-Surgical Rejuvenation of Men’s Face
Men who desire to improve their face and neck, but need more minimally non-invasive facial rejuvenation, Dr. Dean Kane of Baltimore offers the newest PDO Threadlifts to lift laxity of the face and jowls and Thermi-Tight using Radio Frequency to tighten the skin laxity of the neck. Both procedures are described below:
Silhouette InstaLift and PDO EuroThread Lift for Men
The thread lift is back using Silhouette InstaLift (SIL) sutures or PDO Eurothreads! Dr. Dean Kane’s experience with prior Contour Threads for a minimally invasive facelift was unparalleled over 15 years ago when this option was removed from the marketplace. Today’s SIL absorbable sutures and anchoring cones lift the tissues of the face, neck and brow using simple puncture sites. The sutures themselves are made of absorbable poly-L-lactic acid and poly-glycolic acid which is the foundation of Sculptra and Vicryl molecules stimulating the formation of collagen and elastin to maintain the lift in place up to 18 months as well as tighten, firm and improve the skin texture of surrounding skin and soft tissues. Learn more information about Eurothreads.
The ThreadLift does not require any cutting of the skin, there is no anesthesia required and men can drive themselves to our office for the procedures. Due to no cutting of the skin, the recovery is very quick and men can return to work usually within a week.
ThermiTight for Men’s Jowls and Neck Laxity
ThermiTight uses Radio Frequency energy to tighten the skin of the lower face and neck using a very thin probe that is inserted under the skin of the lower face and neck to stimulate collagen and elastin.
ThermiTIGHT™ is a non-surgical , minimally invasive procedure. As it is a procedure that delivers controlled thermal energy under the skin and it reverses many of the effects of aging including loose and sagging skin. ThermiTight is ideal for patients who want more results than superficial skin-only non-invasive treatments but do not want surgery.
ThermiTight uses local anesthetic to achieve a painless, micro-invasive procedure that usually takes less than one hour with little downtime. A tiny probe is inserted under the skin and radiofrequency energy is applied directly to the target tissues causing immediate shrinkage and longer term collagen formation. Results are immediate and improve over time.
Men can return to work within the week of this procedure. It is done under local anesthetic so that men can drive themselves to our office.
Why consider both PDO Threads and Thermi-Tight
ThermiTight provides tightening of the skin of the neck and jowls while the Silhouette Sutures and PDO EuroThreads lifts the skin of the face. They are great complements to each other to achieve a non-surgical rejuvenation of the face and neck. When you have a consultation, Dr. Dean Kane will determine if one or both would be effective to achieve the facelift-like results you are desiring. Link to more information on our website:https://drdeankane.com/thermitight/.
Men’s Eye Rejuvenation: Upper and Lower Eye Lifts or Blepharoplasty
Dr. Kane finds that Eye Lid surgery is a commonly chosen procedure to remove the excess skin of the upper eyelids and reduce the baggy nature of the lower lids of men. This procedure immediately helps men look more youthful and takes away the tired appearance. The upper eyelids are relatively fast recovery in which most men at a desk position can return back to work within a week of the procedure. The lower lids tend to take a longer time for recovery as they swell much more and need two to three weeks of recovery. In both cases, men are incredibly pleased with the youthful and refreshed appearance when they have their eyes lifted. The eyelid surgery can be done at the same time as other facial rejuvenation procedures such as the face and neck lift as well as the PDO Threadlift and Thermi-Tight with Radio Frequency.
To find out about Facials Rejuvenation in Maryland, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at (410) 602-3322 and ask for Lauri Kane. Schedule a Consultation Today
The Neck Lift or Neck Suspension for Men
The Neck Lift or Neck Suspension surgery for men is very effective to reduce the size and fullness of the neck without extensive surgery. Dr. Dean Kane himself has had the neck suspension surgery when he was in his mid-thirties. While Dr. Kane has always maintained his weight, he genetically had inherited a very full and thick neck in which he lacked a defined jawline. This procedure involves Dr. Kane placing two tiny ¼ inch incisions placed behind each earlobe and an 1 inch incision right within the crease under the chin. These incisions are rarely ever seen. Dr. Kane creates a very masculine neck and jawline by bringing together the muscles of the neck into a newly recreated tight neck structure. In most cases, the “Adams apple or thyroid cartilage is left prominent for the male patient. Dr. Kane uses lipo-contouring to remove the fat of the neck, along the lower jawline and lower cheeks to thin and slim the entire lower face of his male patients. The younger male truly appreciates the newly contoured neck providing a much more handsome appearance. Often men appear as if they have lost weight due to the reduction of the fat removed from around the face and neck. Recovery requires a one to two week period. The biggest issue right after surgery is the inability to turn the head completely to drive a car. It usually takes two weeks before the neck relaxes and men can turn their heads adequately to safely drive to work.
Upper and Lower Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty) for the Male Patient
“MEN WANT” to look vibrant. Both young and older men tend to request the Upper and/or Lower Blepharoplasty procedures to remove the heavy hooding of the upper eyelids and the lower baggy and crepey skin of the lower eyelids. These procedures offer a more permanent and lasting effect for 10 years or more which reduces the need for Botox and fillers that require ongoing maintenance. The surgical results of the upper and lower eyelid lifts allow men to enjoy an inviting and welcoming appearance by surgically eliminating the sleepy or tiredness of the aging eye area. The recovery for the upper eyelids takes approximately one week off from work while the lower eyelids require a second week of recovery due to greater swelling that takes place in the lower lids.

**Individual results may vary from patient to patient**
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Dean Kane
If you are looking to rejuvenate your face, Dr. Kane provides you with both Surgical and Non-Surgical options. Schedule your consult today by calling (410) 602-3322 or emailing Lauri@DrDeanKane. Both Dr. Dean Kane and Lauri will provide a very comprehensive evaluation to help you chose what will be suited for you face.