One Year Post Lauri Kane’s Facelift
Well time flies. As we tell patients, your facelift results will look their best at the one year mark. Here I am at one year. I have been extremely pleased with how my face softened over the entire year. People still can’t believe that I had a facelift and that I’m 60. I’m super pleased and happy.
For anyone new reading this updated blog, please refer to my prior blog: Making My Decision about Having a Facelift to see the progression leading up to my facelift and up to 4 months of recovery after my facelift.
This blog will cover what I have done since that 4th month post-facelift blog. Making a surgical result lasts takes on-going effort. Aging continues every single day. Every day stresses, sun exposure and environmental factors causes our skin to age, lose our healthy glow and our skin to become lax and saggy.
ZO Skin Health
So knowing this, I have been in the preventive mode to keep my facelift fresh and vibrant. I have never in the past 20 years stopped my Obagi skin program. A program I swear by and think is the only truly effective skin program that helps attain healthy skin. I started the Obagi skin program with yearly strong Obagi Blue Peels at 40. You can see me at 52 in the picture below. I truly believe that Obagi Skin Program helped me delay the need for a facelift for 20 years.

Lauri Kane at 40 before Obagi Skin products and Lauri at 52 after using Obagi Skin products for 12 years and Obagi blue peels.
The new Obagi system is called ZO Skin Health named by Zein Obagi, MD who created this newer system 6 years ago. He is no longer with the Obagi Nu Derm system. The new ZO Skin Health has an expansive medical and medspa array of products. I personally continue to use Retin A or Retinol on my skin on a consistent basis to keep my skin exfoliating the outer layer, shedding the sun-damaged and pigmented layer and creating new healthy skin to form every 6 weeks. Because I do my exercise workouts outside, I tend to get a lot of sun exposure. So on a yearly basis I also rely on peels, IPL and Fractional Pixel for stronger exfoliation of my skin.
The 3-Step ZO Peel will provide a more extensive exfoliation, lightening up deeper pigmentation and tightening my skin that my home program can’t reach. I use IPL and Fractional Pixel on my chest, that is chronically exposed to sun damage, due to my daily power walking and hiking. While I cover up, I use sunscreen, but my chest is just sensitive to sun damage and I find only the laser treatments using IPL and Pixel lightens and smooths out the texturing I keep getting from my outside workouts.

Under UV light, you can still see sun damage even after using sunscreen, a hat, long sleeves and ZO Skin products. SO IMAGINE IF I DIDN’T USE ALL OF THAT!
I have very thin skin which tends to age quicker than woman with thicker type skin. Women with thinner type skin, we tend to lose our collagen and elastin and fat in our faces. Losing these properties causes the skin to get lax, sag and lose volume. So when I was 7 months post my facelift, I had Dean inject my face with Sculptra. This would be my third session. I had 2 sessions prior to my facelift which made my face look less drawn, smoother and just more youthful even though I used the same ZO skin products and make up.
Sculptra is an injectable that stimulates your youthful properties of the skin, Collagen, Elastin Hyaluronic Acid over a 1-2 year period that keep your skin thick, firm and tight. I tell our patients that every day and throughout the year we are losing these youthful collagen and elastin properties. Sculptra helps you stop and reverse the aging of the skin. So when you get a yearly Sculptra treatment you are truly stopping the aging process of the skin.
I personally will be having a yearly Sculptra treatment to keep my face firm, tight, lifted and forever youthful.
At 8 months post my facelift, most of the swelling of my face was gone and because I exercise every day to keep in shape, my face unfortunately loses volume and gets thin as well. So I had Dean inject Voluma fillers put into my upper cheeks and into the temples beside my eyes to replace this loss of fat. The fillers provide natural, fuller, beautiful cheeks that extends up and outward. Dean calls this his “Nike Swoosh” or the beautiful apple of the cheek.
Below you can see me before my facelift, 4 months post-facelift and one year post-facelift with Sculptra (done 7 months post-facelift) and Filler (done 8 months post-facelift)

Aging and Maintenance
As much as we want one magic bullet to keep us from aging and youthful, it truly takes multiple different approaches that strategically work synergistically to stop, prevent and reverse the aging process. I described what I personally do for my maintenance and I am happy to share my secrets with anyone who would like to come in and speak with me. Dean and I will be able to give you strategies to keep you youthful and refreshed in the short and long term.

Stay tuned for Dr. Dean and Lauri Kane’s newest ZO Skin Health: Prevent, Stop and Reverse Sun Damage commercial on TV!