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My husband is taking Xarelto is for a factor V clotting disorder, is this a contraindication for CoolSculpting?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A shutterstock_35812399 Q. My husband is taking Xarelto is for a factor V clotting disorder, is this a contraindication for CoolSculpting? A. ​This is a good question! One of the reasons CoolSculpting (CS) has been so successful is that it reaches a group of patients such as those on blood thinners who were not surgical liposuction candidates before CS became available. ​ ​Many patient also add to their diets foods, other medications and supplements which may thin the blood. These may be additive in their thinning activity and create more bruising than those with normal clotting. ​ ​It is best to consult with your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and CS Specialist and confirm with your Primary Care Physician whether CS is a reasonable approach for you as there are many other factors beyond the use on Xarelto to consider. ​ ​I wish you the best!
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