Face and Neck Lift in 2018

Above: Before and After 1 Year Face & Neck Lift
Listen to Millie’s face and neck lift recovery – 8 weeks post surgery.

Listen to Millie’s face and neck lift recovery and how she maintains her results – 1 year post surgery – 2019.
Read Millie’s personal face and neck lift journey below.
2018 – Before Face Lift:
2018 – 1 Day Post Face and Neck Lift:
So Glad I Said YES to the Surgery Date
“My experience with Dr. Dean Kane was and is wonderful. His staff and office setting are great! I just had a lower facelift with neck tightening. TCA peel to eyes and mouth area. My neck is awesome my jawline unbelievable! Hugs and kisses.”
2018 – 1 Week Post Face and Neck Lift:

2018 – Almost 2 Weeks Post Face and Neck Lift:
I Feel Good

“So tomorrow is 2 week mark post surgery and it’s been weird, boring, tight hate soft food now hahaha but my face looks amazing and I really can’t believe it’s only 2 weeks. I’m whinny about not being able to color my hair but I’ll get over it. I’m not used to being still not inside like this that’s where the boring comes from. I figured out how to do my tulip massages 6 times for s6 minutes I put a favorite song on my phone and play it twice. Come on who doesn’t have a favorite song you could listen to over and over again. I hate just hate sleeping on my back so I really don’t sleep more like cat naps. I can feel the middle of my face nose mouth chin but not under chin. So feel like I’m progressing like most I’ve read about on this site. I love my doctor, Dr. Dean Kane and staff they are great!”
2018- 2 Weeks Post Face and Neck Lift:
Today is Exactly 2 Weeks
“I met with the Dr and staff yesterday and they are very pleased with my progress. I still have uneven swelling on each side of the face which is normal or as time goes you feel like it’s the new norm. The first week I didn’t want to go outside I mainly catnapped and TV. The second week is when I started feeling better, I have to date not been in any pain just the numbness of the face and tight feeling are weird. Until you experience it it’s hard to describe. You do need help the first week, not supposed to bend over or put your face down, no picking up anything, no cooking or cleaning. It was really stressed over and over that I will feel better before I’m allowed to move. The incisions won’t be strong until starting 6 weeks and are at their weakest 2 1/2 weeks till about 6 so no straining is allowed
The cost was 14,700.00 + and I feel it was well worth it!!”
2018- 3 Weeks Post Face and Neck Lift:
Dr. Kane and Staff Rock!

“As usual, going to the Dr. Dean Kane Medi Spa Surgical Office is always a pleasure, the whole staff is just so friendly. This was my third post aftercare visit with Dr. Kane to make sure all is going well with my lower face and neck lift suture areas. Since he is pleased that they’re healing properly I’m happy.”
2018 – 6 Weeks+ Post Face and Neck Lift:

“I’ve got to say this is an amazing experience and I’m still so glad I did it. A few things I didn’t realize until I was into the recovery phase it was hard bending my head back for eyedrops until week 5 I felt everything pulling underneath my chin and neck. It still pulls but it’s not uncomfortable now. It’s still hard to floss the back teeth but it was impossible up to about week 3-4. The first 3 weeks I did squats so as to not bend over or crawled on my knees either to pick junk up or feed my cats. If I had to bend down (laundry) I turned my head to the side with less pressure. My chin incision healed in 1.5 weeks but the incisions around my ears took 5 weeks and I still have a little scabbing. I waited 6 weeks to get my roots touched up and my hair gal used vaseline around my ears and didn’t get the color close. My face and neck are still numb and this is normal and I have minimal swelling just have to watch the salt. And I’ve learned to sleep on my back I’m so excited now I can stop the sleep wrinkles!”
2018 – 3 Months Post Face and Neck Lift:

“I love my new face and it took awhile to believe that. In the beginning, I would walk by a mirror and look and scare myself because it didn’t look like me the old me the 60-year old me but now I walk by the mirror and I go wow. My sisters are still jealous hahaha we have good laughs over it. I’m the first born so as usual I am paving the way for them. I’m still numb in the cheeks, under jaws and front of neck. Sometimes it feels like a vise grip. Today working in the greenhouse bending and lifting and stretching my throat is very tight and I could feel it all day even now I feel like something is pressing against my throat. Sometimes I get a nerve prick on my upper left cheek more towards the end of the day when I smile and I’m tired but that’s happening less often. All my scars are nice and flat the ones in front are still pink but behind ear and in hair have started to get pale. On the left ear lobe behind it the scar is a little raised maybe a 1/4 of an inch but a month ago it was raised higher. The swelling that I used to have on the left side of my face sort of near my smiley line is gone and I don’t know when it disappeared hahaha for so long I kept noticing then poof it’s not there. I do have swelling on each side of my face below the the temples my glasses leave dents.”
2018 – 9 Months Post Face and Neck Lift:
Follow Up Visit for Facelift, Newtox, Filler
“This was my 9 month follow up with with Dr Kane after my facelift, as he stated I’m extremely pleased with the way my scars have healed, flat and just a hint of pink. At the same time I had newtox again love love love that stuff can’t believe how fast it works. And I did a little filler in the lip corners to help alleviate the resting ‘B’ face lol and it works.”
2018 – 10 Months Post Face and Neck Lift:
The Journey is Not Over

“So I am at the 10-month Mark and what a journey it’s been I get a lot of compliments from my clients who see me all of a sudden that haven’t seen me in a while they make me feel really really good I just I’m happy I’m just very very happy with what I did yes I’m still numb underneath my neck area and yeah I don’t have all the feeling back on the sides of my face yet but it’ll get there the worst part is that I’ve got to stop eating I think that’s why I feel so tight . For the most part I still sleep on my back but sometimes I’ll be on my side but I try not to do that , the scars just healed up fantastic and yes the right side is flatter than the left side but we’re all different between our right and our left. My next plan of action is I am going to do a lateral brow lift and then I’ll do my arms.”
2019 – 1 Year Post Face and Neck Lift:
Great Visit

Click here to learn more about her next procedures in 2020, her brow and lip lift.