Home » Blog » If I have a facelift before I reach my ideal weight, how will that affect my results when I lose the weight?

If I have a facelift before I reach my ideal weight, how will that affect my results when I lose the weight?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A  Q. If I have a facelift before I reach my ideal weight, how will that affect my results when I lose the weight? If I am in within about 30 pounds of where I want to be with my weight and have a facelift done, and then some months later lose that 30 pounds, will that affect the work that I had done on my face? More concerned with the jowls and lower face. Thank you! A​Every patient’s weight loss is different. If you have found that during your weight loss, your face and neck skin has sagged and become thinner, then you can expect more of the same with another 30 pound weight loss. Consider that:
  • ​it will take time to lose this additional weight and you are ready for a face and neck lift now
  • ​you may not lose this weight
  • ​you face will continue to sag
​ ​If your face does not sag during weight loss then now is the best time to rejuvenate your appearance. ​ The aging process continues. A face and neck lift are mechanical options to rejuvenate the face and remove the excess skin laxity. Patients surveyed note an average of 7 years improvement with their face and neck lift. You can expect the same and may reconsider a face tuck in the future as other patients have. ​ ​Please review your concerns with a well experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. ​ ​I hope this is helpful. All the best!
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