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If some percent of fat cells are removed, does this make it easier to lose weight subsequently?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A Q. If some percent of fat cells are removed, does this make it easier to lose weight subsequently? Secondly, from a health stand point, does CoolScultping help (other than boost of confidence and minimal fat removal)? A. ​​This is a good and interesting question. ​ ​Reduction or removal of fat by any means, liposuction, fat-buster injection, CoolSculpting, excision (eg. tummy tuck) removes fat cells and therefore immediately reduces body weight. ​ ​Our current thought processes is that without lifestyle changes in reduction of calorie consumption or increase in calorie expenditure, you will enlarge fat cells elsewhere. ​ ​Only time will tell whether those fat cells which accumulate the redistributed calories have a different metabolism and “burn” or release fat for energy differently in variously different sites of fat storage. Another way of considering this is if calories re-accumulate in the subdermal fat layer or visceral region have a different metabolism than the fat which was removed by CoolSculpting, Kybella or surgery. ​ ​For the moment, expect that maintaining your new weight following any fat loss still takes hard work! Ugh! ​ ​All the best!
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