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How can I predict what a facelift will look like?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & Ashutterstock_77837938 Q. How can I predict what a facelift will look like? When I lie on my back, I look pretty good. Is that what I may look like after a facelift? A. There are many internal and external factors in what the results of a facelift will be but lying on your back with a mirror over you will allow gravity to gently settle the skin and give you an idea of the straight back appearance. The lifted look of a facelift today is more natural. You may appreciate this by creating a “V” with your index and middle finger on your right and left hand. Use your fingertips to push the skin over your cheekbone up to your sideburn and  the skin in front of your jaw up behind your earlobe. Most facelifts today also suspend the soft tissues also called SMAS, tendons, fascia and/or muscle complex in the mid to upper cheek under the skin. This can have a lifting action of the jowl, jawline and neck. Every surgeon has his or her talents and skills. Be sure to consult with a well experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to obtain proper evaluation and a realistic impression of what to expect. Look at before and after photos for skin redraping, scar placement, lift in the jowls, jawlinge, neck and cheek. I hope this is helpful! All the best!
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