Can Sculptra create fullness into areas that haven’t been injected? Does it travel? Can I continue the treatment with another plastic surgeon?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A  Q. Can Sculptra create fullness into areas that haven’t been injected? Does it travel? Can I continue the treatment with another plastic surgeon? After my first injection, I noticed some fullness in my lower face, but it was injected on my cheeks only. Had 1 vial so far, but for a... Read more »

What is the difference between Restylane Lyft and Sculptra?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A Q. What is the difference between Restylane Lyft and Sculptra?   A. Restylane Lyft (rebranded Perlane) is a hyaluronic acid (HA) gel filler with moderate projection and moderate volumizing effects. HA’s, I find have very little inflammatory collagen building effects. ​ ​Sculptra, while categorized as a filler has more distinct bioactivity.... Read more »