Tear trough hollowness: is Restylane used for the under eye hollowness when the patient had a subtractive lower bleph?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A  Q. Tear trough hollowness: is Restylane used for the under eye hollowness when the patient had a subtractive lower bleph? 20 years have passed since a surgeon performed a lower bleph (subtractive) in an effort to remove under eye “darkness.” Are there plastic surgeons who specialize in fat replacement in... Read more »

How does the consumer understand the difference between a Cosmetic Surgeon, a Cosmetic Physician and a Plastic Surgeon?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A Q. How does the consumer understand the difference between a Cosmetic Surgeon, a Cosmetic Physician and a Plastic Surgeon? A. Great question and oh, so confusing. A Plastic Surgeon is selected for his or her ambition to provide aesthetic and reconstructive care to their patients. These patients may require structural,... Read more »

I had a lower bleph and now have hollowness around my eyes and am thinking of getting a bit of Restylane in the tear trough area by an experienced injector. What other reason would cause the visible lines, lumps, and swelling in their faces in your opinion?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A   Q. I had a lower bleph and now have hollowness around my eyes and am thinking of getting a bit of Restylane in the tear trough area by an experienced injector. I don’t, however, want to end up looking like one of these celebs. I suspect they all had lower... Read more »

I had the CoolSculpting procedure done three days ago. I am having severe pain around my belly button area.

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A Q. I had the CoolSculpting procedure done three days ago. I am having severe pain around my belly button area. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are not helping with the pain. Please help. A. ​Pain and cramps of the lower tummy following CoolSculpting (CS) is well recognized. Of immediate concern is any change... Read more »