Can Botox be used to correct my asymmetrical brows or would surgery be required for eyelid ptosis?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A  Q. Can Botox be used to correct my asymmetrical brows or would surgery be required for eyelid ptosis? A.  ​Asymmetry of the face, body and extremities is normal. When it becomes abnormal, you may consider Botox or surgery following consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon or ENT Face Surgeon.​ ​Botox... Read more »

I’m looking for a complete surgical makeover plan to restore the beauty of my features, youth and femininity to my face.

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A  Q. I’m looking for a complete surgical makeover plan to restore the beauty of my features, youth and femininity to my face. I have had facelift, nose, chin implant and a LOT of filler. Hormonal imbalances caused me to lose a lot of fat in my face and giving me a... Read more »