I’m a 43 years old female, I want to have extended Tummy Tuck w/ Liposuction. Creatinine 1.2, Hemoglobin 16.2, Hematocrit 50.1.

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A. Q. I’m a 43 years old female, I want to have extended Tummy Tuck w/ Liposuction. Creatinine 1.2, Hemoglobin 16.2, Hematocrit 50.1. A. Laboratory information is only one piece of the puzzle to matching you with the right surgeon and the right procedure. Once you have been evaluated by a Board... Read more »

Is 55 too young for a facelift?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A. Q. Is 55 too young for a facelift? A. This is an eternal question. When is it best to have a face lift (or any elective cosmetic procedure for that matter)?​ ​The answer is simple. There is no best age for everyone. There are many factors but mostly, it is when... Read more »