Home » Blog » I am 50 years old and wondering which procedure for the plastyma muscle is best cutting the bands or suturing the band?

I am 50 years old and wondering which procedure for the plastyma muscle is best cutting the bands or suturing the band?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A. Q. I am 50 years old and wondering which procedure for the plastyma muscle is best cutting the bands or suturing the band? A. No one procedure is best for everyone. A Platysmaplasty is performed to tighten the muscles under the neck to give a tight contoured necklift often combined with lipocontouring of the fat on the jawline and on under the neck. The platysma are two thin, flat muscles which run from the jawline to the collar bone. The neck looks its sharpest and tightest when the middle edge happens to attach itself together as it does in 10% of patients. For the others, a platysmaplasty is performed by attaching the edges together and / or cutting the bands horizontally. ​ ​Each technique, plus others carries trade-offs and must be matched to the patien’ts anatomy and desired goals. For example:
  1. ​if you wish to feminize the neck, carry the attachment of the medial bands below the “adams apple” as low as possible.
  2. ​if you wish to masculinize the neck, suture the medial bands leaving the adams apple visible.
  3. ​if the submandibular glands are hanging, do not cut the bands as the platysma will “window-shade” upward and unmask the submandibular gland revealing a lump.
  4. ​there are many other factors including, where and how much pre or deep platysmal fat to remove, the suture techniques to sling and support the platysma hammock upward.
​ ​As you see, it is best to obtain a consult from a Board Certified, well experienced Plastic Surgeon for such and evaluation. ​ ​I hope this was helpful!  Good luck. Dr. Dean Kane
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