Tummy tucks in Baltimore, Maryland remove stubborn, saggy skin and pulls the muscles of the abdomen together for renewed strength and tautness. If the look of your tummy is bothering you, a sleeker, more sculpted, smoother stomach could be yours with a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty. Maryland patients often elect to combine their tummy tuck with liposuction to create a flat belly and banish small pockets of fat around their sides or back.
Dr. Dean Kane performs abdominoplasty surgery for Maryland men and women for their individual needs. Request an appointment with Dr. Kane today.
What Is A Tummy Tuck?
Weight loss patients often find their skin has been stretched beyond its ability to recover. Older people with thin tissues sometimes discover their tummy skin sags over time and no amount of dieting and exercise makes a difference. Many mothers who once had a flat abdomen find their post-pregnancy body unable to bounce back to its former flat shape. These patients are often perfect candidates for a Baltimore abdominoplasty procedure.

**Individual results may vary from patient to patient**
Baltimore Abdominoplasty from Dr. Kane
Tummy tuck surgery begins with an incision made from one hip to the other, creating a skin flap. Next, the skin is separated from the abdominal muscles, which are then tightened, narrowing the waistline and flattening the midsection. The flap of skin is then folded down and excess skin is removed. Finally, the flap is replaced and the incision is stitched closed. During the surgery, a new position is created for the belly button, but this is done from the inside, leaves no scars.
Dr. Kane performs all his surgeries under deep intravenous sedation, allowing his patients to avoid the side effects of general anesthesia. The entire procedure takes about three hours, four or five hours if liposuction is included.
To find out about tummy tucks in Maryland, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at (410) 602-3322 and ask for Lauri Kane. Schedule a Consultation Today
Who Is A Good Candidate For A Tummy Tuck?
Tummy tucks really target loose sagging skin and separated muscles more than fat. The ideal candidates have loose, inelastic skin, with some fat pockets. People who have gained and lost a good deal of weight and women who have had children are good candidates for a tummy tuck because the skin that has been stretched for a period of time usually cannot return to its former degree of tautness. Also, the way that pregnancy focuses the weight gain can stretch and separate the abdominal muscles, weakening their ability to keep the area tight.
People who plan to lose more weight should delay their tummy tuck, as the additional weight loss will create more loose skin. It’s important to remember that abdominoplasty is a body-contouring procedure, not a weight loss procedure. Dr. Kane generally requires his tummy tuck patients to be within 15 percent of their ideal weight.
This Baltimore woman had a Tummy Tuck for correction of diastasis recti, due to twin pregnancy, with Liposuction of the flanks and back.
**Individual results may vary from patient to patient**
When Is The Right Time To Have A Tummy Tuck?
Dr. Kane wants his tummy tuck patients to be sure they are finished having children before moving forward with this surgery. The reason? If you gain and lose the highly localized weight of pregnancy, it will negate the results of your tummy tuck.
What Are The Benefits Of Tummy Tuck Surgery?
Once the skin and muscles of the lower abdomen have been stretched for a certain period of time, such as the nine months or pregnancy, they lose their ability to rebound and tighten back down. Think of it as being similar to a rubber band that has been stretched around a large object for a while and when it is removed it is permanently stretched and loose. In a tummy tuck, Dr. Kane removes this sagging, loose skin. He also tightens the underlying support muscles. Often with pregnancy, the localized weight gain can actually cause the muscles in the center of the abdomen to separate permanently. Dr. Kane stitches them back together in the center. The end result is a dramatically flatter abdomen, usually a smaller waist, and a slimmer contour overall. What’s not to love?
Abdominoplasty is major surgery, so there are post-operative risks such as infection and poor healing. There will also be a lengthy scar, although Dr. Kane does everything he can to make sure it can be hidden by underwear or a swimsuit.
Your tummy tuck will look good for decades, as long as you maintain a healthy weight and remain active. As mentioned above, weight gain can negate your results.
What’s The Difference Between A Tummy Tuck And Liposuction?
Pure liposuction procedures are done simply to remove pockets of fat that don’t respond to changes in diet or to targeted exercise. The lower abdomen is one of the prime locations where these fat pockets can accumulate. Liposuction only requires a tiny incision through which Dr. Kane can insert a cannula to suction out the unwanted fat cells. For liposuction to be successful, the patient can’t have much-sagging skin, as removing the fat beneath it will increase the sagging. Liposuction is ideal when the patient still has excellent skin elasticity, so the skin will tighten down over the slimmer contour when the fat is removed.
As detailed on this page, tummy tuck surgery involves large incisions and the excision of skin. It also requires an involved recovery, whereas liposuction recovery is quite easy.
Dr. Kane often uses some liposuction with his tummy tuck procedures to remove some of the unwanted fat.
What Are the Risks And When Will I See Results?
Abdominoplasty is major surgery, so there are post-operative risks such as infection and poor healing. There will also be a lengthy scar, although Dr. Kane does everything he can to make sure it can be hidden by underwear or a swimsuit.
Your tummy tuck will look good for decades, as long as you maintain a healthy weight and remain active. As mentioned above, weight gain can negate your results.
To find out about tummy tucks in Maryland, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at (410) 602-3322 and ask for Lauri Kane. Schedule a Consultation Today
Tummy Tuck Surgery
Bruising and swelling (which typically subside within ten days) are the most common after-effects of a tummy tuck Baltimore patients may suffer. Postoperative discomfort can be expected to last a few days and can be controlled with prescription and over-the-counter medication.
Patients need to rest at a 45-degree angle after surgery to reduce pressure on their scars. Light activity can be gradually resumed, but full recovery takes a few weeks. Most men and women are delighted with the results of their surgery, as tighter muscles and a more sculpted midsection can be expected to last for years.
This Baltimore woman had a Tummy Tuck with Liposuction of the flanks and back.
**Individual results may vary from patient to patient**
To find out more about abdominoplasty, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at (410) 602-3322. Ask for Lauri Kane. She’ll answer your questions about the procedure and she can give you an idea about the cost over the phone. Or request an appointment online with Dr. Dean Kane to explore whether you’re a good candidate. Dr. Dean Kane and Lauri Kane look forward to meeting you and showing you their practice on Reservoir Circle in Baltimore, serving Delaware, the Eastern Shore, and southern Pennsylvania as well as Maryland communities like Annapolis.
Will There Be Visible Scarring After A Tummy Tuck?
Yes. To gain access to the necessary skin, the long incision above the pubic area is necessary. This will create a lengthy scar. Dr. Kane effectively hides it by making the incision descend to where it can be hidden beneath underwear or a bikini bottom.
How Long After A Tummy Tuck Can I Start Exercising Again?
This is not a quick return to exercise. You can begin walking again very quickly, but you’ll feel hunched over in the beginning because of your incision. You’ll likely be able to return to work in two weeks, but you may need longer. If you have a sedentary job, this will be easier than if you stand for portions of your job. Dr. Kane will give you an idea about ramping up exercise, but any strenuous exercise or lifting of any amount of weight will need to be put off for at least six weeks.
Tummy Tuck Recovery
Recovery from Tummy Tucks, Abdominoplasties, Body Lifts, Arm Lifts and Thigh Lifts all have similar recovery times and requirements because they require extensive plastic surgeries, longer scars, longer surgical times and much longer healing times. Dr. Dean Kane performs these procedures in his Baltimore Center of Cosmetic Surgery and Medspa in his private accredited operating room. The length of time he needs to perform these surgeries will take Dr. Kane from 3 ½ to 6 hours depending on the procedure. All require removal of excess skin and longer scars to achieve the removal of the draping skin.
Healing in all these surgeries will be a minimum of 3-4 weeks in which no driving is permitted. Most patients will return to work in the 4 weeks, but will be sore and uncomfortable up to 8 weeks if not 3 months. Because the scars need a lot of attention, Dr. Dean Kane sees his patients weekly and biweekly to make sure the scars are healing nicely. Dr. Kane has a strict daily regimen that he requires his patients to follow to achieve optimal healing. All of Dr. Kane’s patients are very thankful and grateful for Dr. Kane’s thorough scar management because they love their final results and the dedicated care that Dr. Kane took with them personally.
Tummy Tuck Before And After

This Baltimore woman had a Tummy Tuck with Liposuction of the flanks and back. Notice her belly button looks as natural as her pre-Tummy Tuck procedure.
**Individual results may vary from patient to patient**
To find out about tummy tucks in Maryland, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at (410) 602-3322 and ask for Lauri Kane. Schedule a Consultation Today
Dr. Dean Kane’s Unique Inny Belly Buttons
Belly Buttons are small and not usually the first thing you think about when choosing your doctor to perform your tummy tuck. But when all is healed and you are left with a ring of stitches for a belly button it will be the telltale sign that you have a great tummy tuck with a very bad belly button. Make sure you look at your surgeon’s before and after pictures of his belly buttons on his tummy tuck patients. When all is healed and when you flash your new flat tummy in your bikini what you’ll want is a very natural inny belly button.
Dr. Dean Kane, a board certified plastic surgeon in Baltimore for over 30 years, takes unusual care and precision in making his belly buttons during his tummy tuck procedures. He creates his belly buttons from the inside or underneath the tummy skin. Before he completes your tummy tuck, Dr. Kane will attach your umbilical cord from the inside leaving all the stitching on the underneath side of your tummy skin. Once he completes your belly button, Dr. Kane will then close and complete the rest of your tummy tuck trying to assure you of a natural inny belly button. As a result, you get a beautiful inny belly button with no external stitches ever seen on the front of your new flat tummy.
This Baltimore woman had a Tummy Tuck with Liposuction of the flanks and back.
**Individual results may vary from patient to patient**
The Cause of the External Ring Belly Button
When you see an external ring of stitches on women who have had a tummy tuck, their surgeon cut a hole from the outside of the new flat tummy skin and pulled the umbilical cord through and stitched a ring around the new belly button hole</. And that’s what you see, a stitched ring in the middle of the front of the new tummy.
Revising Belly Button Scars
These ringed type belly buttons can be revised, but with difficulty. Dr. Kane has experience in revising belly buttons and has come up with innovative ways to improve an existing ring type belly button into a new inny belly button.
Abdominoplasty Before And After

**Individual results may vary from patient to patient**
Schedule A Consultation
Email Lauri@DrDeanKane.com or call the office at (410) 602-3322 to schedule your tummy tuck and belly button consultation.