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Would Botox help with my droopy eyelid and uneven eyebrows?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A shutterstock_59306794 Q. Would Botox help with my droopy eyelid and uneven eyebrows? And how many units would you recommend? A. Without a proper evaluation, it is hard to know how well Botox will work for you. Botox is a muscle relaxer and in your case, if used properly may elevate the right (lower) brow or carefully drop the left (higher) brow. ​ ​I do notice on your photo that both brows have a nice arch and are both over the upper orbital rim. You also have normal but asymmetric differences in your facial skeleton. I do not see ptosis or droopy eyes but this requires a more dynamic medical evaluation. You may have more spasticity or muscle tone in the left frontalis muscle. These and other considerations will determine how well Botox will help. ​ ​Please bring photos of yourself from many years ago for consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon of ENT Facial Surgeon to best determine what is BEST for YOU! ​ ​All the best!
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