Dark Circles under the eyes is one of the main reasons why patients come to expert injector Dr. Dean Kane, board-certified plastic surgeon in Baltimore, MD. Patients complain that their dark circles cause them to look tired. To understand how to help the dark circles you need to know what the causes of dark coloration are.
What causes the dark circles and how does Dr. Kane Treat them?
- When you lose the natural fat under the eyes, it leaves a hollow and depressed appearance. The shadow from the depressed area often appears dark. When you plump this hollowed area up with a filler, it reduces the shadow and the under eye appears brighter. Any filler such as Restylane Lyft, Juvederm Ultra Plus or Radiesse will work to plump up the hollowness and stop the shadowing under the eyes. Dr. Kane will use a cannula technique to place the fillers very deep so there are no superficial bumps or lumps left from the fillers. These fillers last about a year.

Patient had the fillers Restylane Lyft under her eyes, nasal folds and Lips and Botox to her brow.
- Another cause of dark circles is the loss of fat under the eye that covers the blue hue of the eye muscle. Seeing the eye muscle under the skin creates the dark coloration. People can often genetically have this darkness from childhood because their eye muscles are more evident.
We use the filler Radiesse which is a white base synthetically made of finely ground up bone mineral-like substance. When you look at it in the syringe it looks like Elmer’s glue. When placed under the skin deep along the cheek it covers the blue hue of the eye muscle that often causes the dark coloration. The white reflects lightness like you placed a concealer under the eye. Dr. Kane will numb the upper cheek using a numbing block that does not hurt and the procedure is nearly painless. Because of his expertise in injecting, he uses a special cannula technique that allows him to go deep under the skin, so you are left with a very smooth and plumped appearance. The Radiesse will last about a year.

Radiesse Injected into Lower Lids to brighten her Dark Cirlces
- Other potential causes of dark circles are that the skin itself has dark pigmentation. For issues regarding brown skin pigmentation, we use Dr. Zein Obagi’s ZO Skin Health System. The ZO system uses the combination of hydroquinone and Retin A that you use at home to exfoliate the dead layer of skin and lightens not only the lower lids but the entire face. This skin system not only lightens and brightens the face, but also minimizes the fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes and the face.

Many patients experience a combination of these issues and Dr. Kane often advises that they not only have a filler, but to go on the ZO Skin Health Program at the same time. As shown above, Dr. Kane injected his patient with Restylane Lyft under the cheeks, but she also was put on the ZO skin program. You can see a true transformation of her entire face to be brighter and so much more refreshed. Her tired appearance is completely gone.
Schedule your Consultation Today with Dr. Dean Kane
Call us today 410-602-3322 to schedule your treatments for your dark eye circles. You can also email Lauri@DrDeanKane.com to ask her any questions or make the appointment for you.