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Tummy or Trunk, Arms and Leg Contouring Options

There are various options are for tummy or trunk, arms and leg contouring.

These options are dependent on your skin laxity and the areas of liposuction contouring you wish or need. One can consider: 1. a traditional tummy tuck where the ab muscles are tightened, the sides are liposuction contoured, the excess skin is removed, the mons lifted and a new belly button is created. 2. a mini-tummy tuck where the skin below the belly button is removed and mons lifted. 3. a panniculectomy / lipo-sculpting where the large lower roll of tummy skin is removed and the upper tummy and sides and / or back are reduced with liposuction. A similar technique is used for the upper arms called brachioplasty or thighs called thigh-plasty. 4. a body lift used with patients who have super-skin excess and the tummy, sides and back skin are lifted with or without muscle tightening. 5. liposuction of the circumfirential trunk for body contouring. 6. liposuction of partial areas such as the front abdomen with and without muscle etching, love handles, inner and outer thighs, arms, neck; any of which use traditional, syringe and ultrasonic liposculpting. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact Lauri Kane at lauri@drdeankane.com.
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