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Is suspension stitch or endotine a preferred method for modern mid-facelifting?

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Dean Kane of Baltimore Answers Question Regarding Facelifts

Q. Is suspension stitch or endotine preferred method for modern midface lifting? And does lift via gum and temples risk a horizontal cheek widening result rather than mouth incision only with vertical lift in mind?

A. Both a suspension stitch or endotine will work in the proper hands depending on the mid-face lift technique.

If the midface lift is performed using a endoscopic approach, the use of sutures is limited and therefore endotine while more expensive can work if properly anchored to the bone and the overlying periosteum. Some techniques use a oral incision to more fully elevate and mobilize the tissues for upward positioning but potentially opens the space to a higher infection rate. I prefer a open approach through a blepharoplasty incision which allows greater release of tissues and proper suspension and anchoring to periosteum left on the bone although a endotine can be used here as well.

Cheek widening may occur from the image change in elevating the cheek higher and reducing the added jowl heaviness; ie. surgical facial shortening with a rebalancing of the cheek (point of maximal projection) upwardly.

When properly selected, the results of a midface lift are awesome. Please consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with great experience and skill at this highly advanced procedure. All the best!

This information is not meant as medical advice. It is provided solely for education. Our practice would be pleased to discuss your unique circumstances and needs as they relate to these topics.

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