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Shouldn’t a facelift, cheek lift, and fat in the nasolabial folds give you a smooth young appearance?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A shutterstock_67057519 Q. Shouldn’t a facelift, cheek lift, and fat in the nasolabial folds give you a smooth young appearance? I had a fat removed from cheeks, facelift, cheeklift, and fat put in nasal folds, my face looks old? What the heck? We spent 30 thousand dollars and I’m not happy what can I do? I get married in September. I personally liked my face before. It looked more youthful! I am devastated. What do I do? A. So sorry for your concern. ​ ​The youthful face has generous appearing cheeks as the widest aspect of the face and a heart-shape contour toward the chin. It takes 3 to 6 months for most of the tissues to settle and provide a near final appearance but even a full year or more to see the completed result. It is hard to determine where in the healing process you are. Some options include:
  1. Lymphatic style massage in an upward direction is helpful to my patients following face and neck lift but should be discussed with your surgeon.
  2. You may consider some filler along the front and sides of the cheeks following this initial time for the swelling and healing to improve.
Please discuss your concerns with your facelift surgeon or consider a second opinion by a well experienced, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. ​ ​I wish you well. I’m sure you will look great for the wedding. Hearty congratulations!   This information is not meant as medical advice. It is provided solely for education. Our practice would be pleased to discuss your unique circumstances and needs as they relate to these topics.
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