If you are experiencing any form of red skin issues, IPL or Intense Pulse Light Laser is the ideal treatment. This laser detects red in the skin using a special wavelength. It zaps the red cells and destroys them. Generally, the destroyed red cells turn purple which takes several days to a week to fade away. To reduce the redness effectively it generally takes 3 or more treatments done every 4 weeks. But once treated, the redness is close to becoming totally gone.
If Rosacea is your concern we have special ZO Skin Health products to help reduce the redness as a home care product. Give us a call 410-602-3322 to schedule your appointment. You can also text us on our office cell phone 443-338-7868. You can contact our esthetician’s directly on their emails: Deb@DrDeanKane.com and Kelly@DrDeanKane.com. Let us help you minimize all your red issues on your face, neck and chest.