Dean Kane, MD: I like to re-blog those articles which I believe help the reader understand how personal plastic surgery is. This is one of those from (I have edited it for length and provided personal caveats).
I Got Plastic Surgery To Get Ahead In My Career
In light of an annual report by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery that found that 57% of people get plastic surgery to stay competitive at work, we asked Raleigh Seldon, a 26-year-old marketing coordinator in L.A., to explain, in her own words, how rhinoplasty boosted her self confidence — and her career. The following story was told to Kelsey Castañon and edited for length and clarity.
KC: These days, everyone in media is becoming the face of their own personal “brand.” I had all these editors around me who would include selfies of themselves in their articles or go on camera, and I just couldn’t do it. I never wanted to shoot anything live because I was so worried about what my profile looked like. That absolutely hindered the path I could have taken my career on. When I wrote first-person pieces, I would either opt out of including a photo of myself, or I would reluctantly take one and my boss wouldn’t be happy with the imagery.
I never directly said anything about my appearance to my boss, but I had a personal relationship with her, so she knew my nose was something that bothered me. Whenever I got photos back, I’d be so picky and push it back to the retoucher. She observed that behavior and was like, “Okay, I see what’s going on here.”
A good friend of mine was the beauty editor at the time, and she was discovering all these crazy procedures that celebrities I admired were doing. “Wait, people get lip injections and undereye filler?” There was just so much I’d never heard of, and everyone who I thought was natural turned out not to be.
My nose was on my mind at all times. I started analyzing past behaviors and realizing every photo of me from high school on showed me covering my face, drinking something to cover my nose, or hiding behind someone else in a group. It’s crazy to go back and realize how much it was affecting me throughout my life.
So I started saving up my money and researching plastic surgeons, and I found a talented nose surgeon in Beverly Hills, and we bonded immediately. I booked the procedure for a month later.

After the rhinoplasty, I was so much more confident about the way I looked. Things at work just started happening. I was suddenly eager to get in front of the camera, and became way more involved with my own photoshoots. I just started making bolder choices with my career.
Since moving to L.A. seven years ago, I’ve been really great at networking. One night, I was at a birthday dinner and one of my mentors in a completely different field was there. She introduced me to a celebrity’s manager, who was looking for a marketing coordinator. Because of my newfound confidence, I wasn’t shying away from going after any opportunity and I ended up getting the job!
In the end, getting plastic surgery is a personal decision. If you’re going to do it, figure it out within yourself first. Don’t ask other people what they think. They will say you’re fine, or that you don’t need it, which is true — no one needs it. But personally, it helped me become a better advocate for myself. Not just to get ahead in my career, but even in the smallest ways, like on social media. My personal brand is more well-rounded than it was before because I’m not afraid to show my face. As long as you are okay with your decision, that’s all that matters.
DK: A generation ago we called this uniqueness, self-esteem and individuality. Today, we consider our beliefs and our appearance to ourselves and to others in marketing terms, branding. The physical effects of rhinoplasty or nose shaping is more reliable and reproducible compared to years past due to techniques associated with the “open rhinoplasty”; the ability to visualize and secure the cartilage and bone in a stronger approximation internally. Patients do feel better when they look better to themselves. This elevates confidence and in many ways, opens opportunities for personal and career advancement.
This information is not meant as medical advice. It is provided solely for education. Our practice would be pleased to discuss your unique circumstances and needs as they relate to these topics.
Give us a call at 410.602.3322 or email and make an appointment soon. We’re located on Reservoir Circle just a block off the Baltimore beltway, convenient to greater Baltimore, Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, Southern Pennsylvania, Delaware and Carroll County.