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Plastic Surgeon Dr. Dean Kane of Baltimore Answers Question Regarding the Differences between Plastic Facial Surgeon and Facial Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Dean Kane | Baltimore MDQ. Is it necessary or better to get a surgeon that only does facial work for a facelift? Is it necessary or better to get a surgeon that only does facial work for a facelift? Is there a board certification in facial plastic surgery?

A. While there is great cross-over in the sub-specialty training of Board Eligible Plastic Surgeons and ENT’s (otolaryngologists), each individual will course into their own interests, talents and skills as they progress to Board Certification in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery and personal professionalism. Each surgeon will be unique in their experience(s), perspectives and approaches. 

Sometimes the surgeon with the greater breadth of options has a different perspective and understanding than the one with a greater depth and purely repetitive approach or vice versa for your needs.

I cannot therefore lead you toward one sub-specialist or the other as I cannot recommend one individual within a specialty versus the other. 

You must “do your homework”, learn about the different approaches, awareness and talents of the professionals you interview, as they evaluate you physically and your personal desires and limitations. Which surgeon (and his care-giving team) will you develop a relationship of mutual understanding and trust. 

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This information is not meant as medical advice. It is provided solely for education. Our practice would be pleased to discuss your unique circumstances and needs as they relate to these topics.

Give us a call at  410.602.3322  or email Lauri@DrDeanKane.com and make an appointment soon. We’re located on Reservoir Circle just a block off the Baltimore beltway, convenient to greater Baltimore, Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, Southern Pennsylvania, Delaware and Carroll County.

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