Q. Under chin 6 weeks post facelift. Can anything be done to correct this? 6 weeks post face lift with fat injections. Had a lot of swelling and still do have some. Pleased with results with the exception of under chin. Doc says it’s my submandibular glands and sounds like it’s just my unfortunate results. Can anything been done to correct this? Will time help to improve?
A. Thank you for sharing your photo. I see 2 issues which may be of concern. 1. The skin cords from the jawline toward the thyroid and 2. The 2 bulges under the lateral aspects of your jaw.
It is far too early to expect your final results. In fact, the collagen / scar production will remodel, settle and smooth out the more vivid concerns you have over the next 6 to 12 months following surgery. In the meantime, careful massage will assist your results as instructed by our surgeon and / or physical therapist.
Just like all the features you facelifted due to their sagging, the submandibular glands lose their adherence in their little nook under the jaw and become more prominent. There are very few surgeons who will offer submandibular gland removal due to its side-effects and complications.
Options upon achieving your final results may include:
- Silhouette InstaLift support of the glands
- Sculptra induced skin tightening under the glands
- Proper serial dosing of the glands with Botox to reduce their activity (being mindful of the potential side-effects including dry mouth, salivary gland stones, increased risk of dental cavities, reduced ability to properly digest food and others).
You sound pleased with your surgeon. Raise these concerns and ask for his direction or when fully healed and no further active care is required seek the opinion of another knowledgeable Board Certified Plastic Surgeon or ENT.
All the best!
Read more about similar topics:
Submandibular Gland and Neck Suspension
This information is not meant as medical advice. It is provided solely for education. Our practice would be pleased to discuss your unique circumstances and needs as they relate to these topics.
Give us a call at 410.602.3322 or email Lauri@DrDeanKane.com and make an appointment soon. We’re located on Reservoir Circle just a block off the Baltimore beltway, convenient to greater Baltimore, Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, Southern Pennsylvania, Delaware and Frederick.