Search Results for: tightening

Facial Rejuvenation for Men

Smiling Handsome Middle-Aged Male With Checkered Shirt
…and neck muscles

When men are concerned by both their turkey necks as well as their face laxity, then the next level of facelifts include everything described above, but Dr. Kane will also include tightening the neck muscles called the Platysmaplasty. This procedure requires a small incision below the

Skin Rejuvenation for Men: Shed the Old Sun Damage Layers Away

…Health 3-Step Peel for Men

A stronger skin peel, the “Clear” TCA Peel or more commonly known Dr. Obagi ZO 3-Step Peel ® is ideal for men who want to achieve a tightening of their facial skin, rid the signs of sun damage and brown aging spots and truly

Silhouette InstaLift

…own natural collagen that provides an even greater tightening and firming of the face tissues.

The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia with Pro-Nox. Pro-Nox is a self-administered “laughing gas” that patients breathe in when feeling any anxiety and pain and get an immediate relief. Click here to…

Dr. Dean Kane Answers Question Regarding Neck Asymmetry


Q: Necklift / jawline tightening the second time, any suggestions? In 2008 a doctor performed a “Lunchtime lift,” as it was then called, on my lower face, and it looked fantastic. Sadly, within two years, I had a stroke and needed an endarterectomy on my left carotid, and since

Thread Lift Q&A with Dr. Dean Kane in Columbia, MD

…neck, the threads do not hold as well as they do in the face. With his skill and experience in using threads, Dr. Kane does place the threads from the temples down to the jawline which does help lift the lateral sides of jowls and neckline. For greater tightening of…

Thread Lifts in Columbia, MD with Dr. Dean Kane

…purposefully manufactured with clogs or barbs to catch under the skin to lift and pull the skin upward to lift skin laxity. As these PDO threads dissolve they cosmetically stimulate a person’s collagen and elastin for skin tightening, volumizing, plumping and firming.

What makes these threads so effective…

IPL and Fractional Pixel Laser for Men


“MEN WANT” easy skin care. So, for those men who wish for a NON-DIY (do-it-yourself) approach to skin improvement and tightening, consider the use of light and laser therapies. IPL (intense pulsed light) is now the “gold standard” for non-retinoid reduction of skin spots, pigmentation, red blemishes, capillaries and

What is Dr. Dean Kane’s Liquid Facelift?

…is proud to offer a comprehensive selection of non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments options. Learn more about each of the treatments below:

Sculptra for Collagen Stimulation to Tighten and Firm Face, Body, and Buttocks ThermiTight for Neck and Jowl Tightening PDO Eurothread Lift for Non-Surgical Facelift Silhouette InstaLift for Non-Surgical Facelift…

Dr. Dean Kane Answers Question Regarding Using Botox for A Slimmer Jawline

…believe you would achieve your goals better with micro-lipo-suction contouring of the lower cheek, jowl and jawline and fat grafting to the upper cheek. Combining ThermiTight with the above will add greater skin tightening as well. Please consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with a wide breadth of minimally…

TCA Chemical Peel Questions

…pinkness. The recovery is 1-2 days. These are wonderful peels to start with and to build to the stronger 20 to 30% TCA if you have more stubborn pigmentation areas or if you are looking for skin tightening. All three peels will leave your face with a beautiful healthy glow.