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I had a facelift with fat grafting and neck lift and was under anesthesia for 8 hours. 

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A. shutterstock_62847412 Q. I had a fast heartbeat for three days and was dehydrated from throwing up do you think I was under too long and if so are there side effects in the future? A. ​The length of time under anesthesia is one of many considerations in the decision making process toward facelift and all other elective cosmetic procedures. Safety first!​ ​It all begins with a patient (you), a well experienced Board Certified Surgeon and a plan.
  1. ​Anesthesia options include local injectible anesthetic, oral sedation, IV sedation, IV general anesthesia and general endotracheal anesthesia. Each has its pros and cons and no one of them is perfect for everyone every time.
  2. ​You will discuss your “wish” list of improvements with your physician and determine what plan is best for you.
  3. ​A medical review of your health background including examination of your person and diagnostic pre-operative assessment will determine how optimal you are and what can be done to further improve your wellness to maximally reduce your side-effects and risk of complications. This is called a surgical clearance.
​Today, anesthesia is very safe but must be considered one factor of many others in determining risk. Yes, 8 hours under anesthesia for an elective procedure is a long time. ​Considerations such as:
  1. ​body warmth
  2. proper hydration
  3. ​proper urine output
  4. ​heart and respiratory irritability
  5. oxygenation
  6. ​medication side-effects and the tip of the anesthesia providers responsibilities.
​For most patients, the complications are rare. ​ ​Regarding your more rapid heartbeat. This is a natural response to injury as are: ​1. a more forceful pumping of the heart ​2. increased metabolism ​3. slightly increased temperature, ​4. and many other physiologic changes following surgery or injury. ​ ​It may also be abnormal and should be checked by your primary care physician and if required by a cardiologist especially if it persists or is associated with radiating pain, nausea, dizziness or fainting. ​ ​Thank you for this question. I hope this answer has been helpful to you and others.  
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