Dr. Dean Kane, board certified plastic surgeon in Maryland, is considered an expert injector for Botox Cosmetic and Juvederm Ultra. Patients love Dr. Kane’s out of the box approach to achieve the non-surgical liquid facelift using Botox and Juvederm. Patients truly appreciate using Botox Brilliant Distinction where as a member at no charge, they immediate receive an instant $50 rebate at the time of their procedure and earn points that translates into another $25 off at their next procedure. Brilliant Distinction is offering this instant rebate 3 times over the year and when combined with the $25, patients get an instant $75 off three times a year or a $225 savings on their Botox all year long. Plus Dr. Kane will match the $50 rebate so patients will receive a $125 savings for their next 3 Botox treatments or $375 savings. These savings are only for existing members of Brilliant Distinctions.