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Breast Lift / Augmentation and Reduction Options

I would like to review the different breast lift / augmentation and reduction options:
1. a crescent lift to raise the areola 2. a donut lift will raise the areola, make it smaller and partially lift the breast 3. a vertical lift or mastopexy is used to further lift the breast as well as make the areola smaller 4. a traditional or “T” lift is necessary in larger women with more loss of volume to lift the breast 5. Any of these lifts can and are combined with a breast enlargement if desired using saline (salt water) or silicone gel implants 6. Some patients may wish to improve the contour along the side breast roll with liposuction 7. Breast reduction For more information or to schedule a consultation, please email Lauri Kane at lauri@drdeankane.com
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