Breast Implant Longevity

Love and Implants won’t last forever!  … anonymous Your augmented breasts have brought you years of elation, greater self-esteem, better fitting clothes and maybe even a spontaneous look of lust but Saline and Gel implants are considered mechanical devices by the FDA. Your beautiful and enviable breasts implants won’t last forever! Whether you had saline... Read more »

Plastic Surgery for Couples

More and more couples are being seen together for cosmetic enhancements! Yes, that includes you and your spouse, LGBT’s (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) duos are interested in looking better together. Go it a bit further and we are seeing bi-racial / bi-ethnic teams supportive of each other to improve physically. Committed friends and couples... Read more »

Coolsculpting in Maryland seen in Live Demonstrations at the Seminar of Dr. Dean Kane, August 23 in his Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Medspa

Interested in learning how you freeze away your fat with Coolsculpting in Maryland? Dr. Dean Kane, board certified plastic surgeon, offers seminars with live demonstrations of the Coolsculpting procedure. Come to his free seminar and receive a complimentary consultation to see if you are a good candidate for this revolutionary way to reduce those unwanted... Read more »

Restylane and Perlane: Dr. Dean Kane’s Expert Advice in Filling in the Upper cheek vs the Nasal Folds for his Maryland Cosmetic Patients

Dr. Kane is well known for getting exceptional results by using Restylane and Perlane to create the Liquid Facelift. He artfully uses Perlane to plump the upper cheeks of his patients that not only fills the hollows and division of the lower eyelid upper cheek, but subtly lifts the nasal folds at the same time.... Read more »

Perlane, Restylane, Dr. Dean Kane and a Perfect Combination to get Exceptional Results at Fantastic Savings in Baltimore Maryland

Dr. Dean Kane, an expert injector of Perlane and Restylane has been offering fantastic savings for his Baltimore patients with the help of Getting great value today on fillers like Restylane and Perlane has been uniquely offered by using the high end buying site of This site is offering people in the cities... Read more »

Male Gynecomastia and Female Breast Enlargement (hypertrophy)

Male Gynecomastia and Female Breast Enlargement (hypertrophy) I have had the good fortune to participate in the reimbursement decision making process for BCBS and other medical insurance companies in the past. In particular, cosmetic or medically non-necessary vs elective reconstructive or medical necessary reimbursement for women and men’s breast enlargements has criteria which have not... Read more »

Coolsculplting Costs in Maryland with Dr. Dean Kane, Plastic Surgery Practice in Baltimore

Many people wonder how does CoolSculpting work and how much does it cost. In the Maryland Plastic Surgery Office of Dr. Dean Kane, he is offering special introductory pricing as well as packages to reduce the cost of CoolSculpting. The price of CoolSculpting is dependent on how many areas of the body a person wants... Read more »