Could something like CoolSculpting or cryosurgery treat Gynecomastia? Can the cold kill glandular tissue? I’m not worried about fat.

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A. Q.  I know cold at a certain temperature for a certain time can cause cell death in fatty tissue. I imagine it could do the same with any living cell. At what temperature would cells in your mammary glands die? A.  ​​​Great question! ​CoolSculpting’s cooling endpoint is just above... Read more »

What can I do to take years off my face?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A. Q.  After ten years of a very stressful life, I have decided to invest in me! I lost my only child at age nine to brain cancer medullablastoma then 13 months later lost my husband to a brain aneurysm then my brother passed with liver cancer and last March loss... Read more »