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Which is the best Bra to wear after Breast Augmentation?

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Dean Kane of Baltimore Answers Question Regarding Breast Augmentation

Q. Is there a good, supportive bra I should know about? I am aiming to get a DD cup breast augmentation, so it’s important for me to wear something super comfy. I don’t mind the cost. Any suggestions?

A. Good question and one that needs particular discussion with your chosen surgeon. I now have 30 years of breast augmentation experience since completion of my residencies and my perspective has changed.

During the evolution of implant shapes, volumes and textures, different mentors recommended:

  1. taping the augmented breasts into position for 2 to 6 weeks;
  2. using a large cup, wide bra for positioning;
  3. using a strap along the superior pole to push the breast implant down.

I find that breast implants tend to ascend up the chest wall following surgery and use a superior pole strap to hold them into the properly created breast implant pocket and a simple slightly oversized cotton “shelf” bra/camisole for a period of 2 to 6 weeks.

Thereafter, you may use any bra you wish as long as you displace the implant around the pocket to keep the pocket larger and therefore without contracted positioning of the implant. Should you choose a very full breast cup as you indicate, you will need significant bra support of the breast and implant weight from stretching the upper chest wall skin causing the breast mound to descend down the chest wall and/or from the projection of the implant causing the nipple position from turning downward.

Buy the bra that fits comfortably and provides the support you need. There is no perfect bra.

For more information please link to: https://drdeankane.com/?s=breast+implant+support&lang=en

I hope this helps. All the best!

This information is not meant as medical advice. It is provided solely for education. Our practice would be pleased to discuss your unique circumstances and needs as they relate to these topics.

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