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How do I look in my selfies?


Dr. Dean Kane Q & A.

Q.  Why do selfies make me feel more self-conscious of my looks?   A.  This is a fun question to answer! Selfies or self-portraits like computer-cameras are quick photos without the advantages of proper lighting and a good photographer. The angle of the camera and direction of the lighting will create reflections and shadows which appear to deepen folds, worsen crinkle lines, expand shadows around the eyes, jowls and neck and aggravate any texture or pigment irregularities of the skin. If you use a flash, harsher reflections and shadows occur; yet we all crave the technology and post our appearance, good or bad, online. How we see ourselves is different than how other see us. Selfies have introduced a new industry of make-up artists to reduce the flash reflections, smooth the lines and reduce the deep folds. The new art of “Liquid Facelifting” with the use of skin healthcare to improve texture and pigmentation, lasers and peels for blemishes, acne and blotches and Botox / Dysport and injectible fillers to pout the lips or reduce the lines, fill the cheeks and temples or raise the brows are options available at our Practice. For those of you impacted by seeing a weak jawline, heavy eyelids, nasal bumps or imperfections, more surgical as well as minimally- invasive options are available. Call or link with us to evaluate your Selfie perturbations. www.DrDeanKane.com , 410-602-3322.  
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