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How will tanning effect new line created by improper placement of Botox?

Q. I have been left with new and prominent lines from improper placement of botox/muscle recruitment. I do not want any more botox for fear of this being made worse or creating even more new ones (these lines were not there before the treatment) I use a very high sun protection on my face and wear a hat but worried these new lines might go red or even white if they get tanned even in the slightest….Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks A. Tanning and muscle induced wrinkling of the skin act differently. Tanning occurs by UV stimulated production of melanin in the skin. UV also oxidizes the skins cell membranes, nuclear membranes, DNA and various structural molecules of the skin such as elastin. This weakens the skin and the ability to repair it. Wrinkles occur where the skin is weakest to forces causing it to fold. The primary muscle injected with Botox may relax and allow for the repair mechanism of the skin to strengthen the resistance in folding but recruitment of other muscles will occur due to behavioral or protective reasons for the skin to fold or wrinkle; such as wrinkling crow’s feet while lowering the eyebrows during squinting. A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon or Facial ENT Surgeon, talented and experienced in Botox injection can assist you in balancing the muscles used in facial expression. The use of UVA, UVB and “UVC” sun-blocks with anti-melanin formulations, anti-irritants and other anti-inflammatories such as ZO Skin Health Occlipse will help you in protecting against the accelerated aging of sun exposure and damage. Visit a Certified ZO Skin Health Team for your skin welfare! Hope this helps!
This information is not meant as medical advice. It is provided solely for education. Our practice would be pleased to discuss your unique circumstances and needs as they relate to these topics.
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