Center for Cosmetic Surgery & Medspa Patient
Q: What are the most effective procedures or treatments for sagging neck and jowls?
A: Many options for enhancing the appearance of a “Double Chin” and / or “Turkey neck” under the jawline and neck are available. These include:
1. Surgical procedures:
a. “mini” lipo-contouring
b. Facial lipo-contouring (of the lower cheeks, jowl, jawline, double chin and neck) and neck suspension
c. Facial lipo-contouring and neck muscle lift (platysmaplasty) with or without neck suspension
d. Direct excision, ie. surgical incision with visual removal of the fat
- Facelift elevation with SMASplasty in-continuity across the neck
2. Non-Surgical procedure:
a. Fat freezing using the CoolSculpting Cool-Mini applicator for under the chin and small fat bulges. “Cool-Mini” is the newest applicator in the line-up of CoolSculpting options specifically created for smaller areas such as the fat under the chin. It may also be used for non-surgical fat reduction in other small areas, such as the upper inner thigh, upper breast / armpit fat and equally smaller fat bulges.
3. And, now, Minimally Invasive procedures:
a. ThermiTIGHT, a radio-frequency needle sized probe placed under the skin with local anesthetic to directly contract the skin using a very sophisticated controlled thermal unit for an immediate and 1-2 year progressive enhancement.
b. Sculptra, a injectible medication which stimulates skin fibroblasts to produce the structural molecules for skin firming, thickening and resistance to creasing.
c. Silhouette InstaLift, a non-surgical dissolvable suture made of Sculptra to: lift, compress and stimulate tightening of the skin and fibro-fatty tissues of the neck, jowl, cheek, temple and brow.
While the alternatives are expanding for results in neck enhancement (as with other procedures) you should expect a far smaller improvement with non-surgical and minimally invasive options as you would from surgical procedures.
When improvement of the muscle bands and loose skin become an issue, these minimally invasive and non-surgical options will not provide adequate tightening and lift. For these enhancements, a platysmaplasty, neck suspension and / or redraping and removal of excess skin are surgically necessary.
In all cases, please consult with a well experienced and talented Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for your best evaluation and recommendations. I hope this is helpful. Good luck with your journey!
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This information is not meant as medical advice. It is provided solely for education. Our practice would be pleased to discuss your unique circumstances and needs as they relate to these topics.
Give us a call at 410.602.3322 or email Lauri@DrDeanKane.com and make an appointment soon. We’re located on Reservoir Circle just a block off the Baltimore beltway, convenient to greater Baltimore, Annapolis, the Eastern Shore, Southern Pennsylvania, Delaware and Carroll County.