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I have mild multiple sclerosis. Can I have cryolipolysis treatment?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 8.15.22 PM Q. I have mild multiple sclerosis. Can I have cryolipolysis treatment? A. ​I am sorry for your misfortune. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is considered a auto-immune demylination of nerve fibers and can cause progressive sensory and motor weakness. ​ ​I have used CoolSculpting (CS), a cryolipolysis treatment used in the US on MS patients. If the patient has dysesthesias in the area of the CS treatment, you may further injure the sensory nerve as it travels in the subcutaneous tissues of the skin bulge. This may exacerbate sensory changes such as tingling, numbness and other funny sensations or pain. While this has occurred in both my non-MS and MS patients, the sensory changes have returned to their prior “normal” state. No motor nerves travel in this fatty layer, so one would not expect any muscle weakness following CS. ​ ​The fat loss from CS is tried and true in its limited patchwork of applicator placements. This non-surgical body contouring option maybe useful to you. ​ ​Please consult with your Certified CoolSculpting Specialist or Neurologist for evaluation and recommendations for your needs and desires. ​ ​All the best!
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