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Facelift: Wait till menopause?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A. shutterstock_62847412 - Copy - Copy Q. I am not yet at the menopause but it can’t be far off. Right now my face looks good and Botox and fillers are fine. But the jaw is starting to soften. My question is, is it better to have a Facelift before menopause or to wait until the skin has really undergone changes?  A. ​ The aging process continues. ​ ​Enjoy youthful, beautiful appearance longer particularly when you heal better, have less risk and complications, retain elasticity and therefore shorter scars and have less expensive options when you are pre-menopausal and younger. ​ ​Waiting until after menopause, dryness and sagging, soft-tissue loss and poorer healing contributes to a longer incision, greater risk of complications and dissatisfaction. ​ ​Start young, in your teens, to enjoy the fruits of beautiful skin elasticity with little or reversed sun damage and minimize surgery as medical progress develops improving minimally invasive and non-surgical rejuvenation. ​ ​Find the best qualified, board certified Plastic Surgeon or Facial ENT surgeon with Skin Therapeutics and non-invasive options to evaluate and provide you your best overall options. ​ ​All the best!
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