Can Restylane fillers under the eyes cause a central retina occlusion?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A Q. Can Restylane fillers under the eyes cause a central retina occlusion? A. ​Blood vessel are tubes that start at the heart and branch in smaller and small diameter until you cannot see them as capillaries carrying platelets, red cells, white cells and other nutrients to all the structural cells in the... Read more »

I had Restylane injected into my lips for the first time 4 months ago. Is it too soon to have another injection?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A Q. I was aiming to increase lip volume but it seems my lips have already returned to their original state. A. Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers such as Restylane may be re-injected and layered most anywhere. There are many reasons to do this: ​Smaller amounts incorporate into the tissues easier and provide... Read more »

My eyes are watery, swollen, teary. Feels like sand 3 weeks after Botox What do you think ?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A Q. I went to a Dr I did not think it was botox but then started reading about other women’s side effects I was prescribed tobramycin and dexamethasone drop but not really helping but a little relief A. Botox is a muscle relaxer. When placed correctly, wonderful smoothening of wrinkle lines... Read more »

I’m beginning to get lines under my eye. They have all appeared in the last 2-3 months. I’m only 20. Should I get Botox?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A Q. I use my eyes a lot when I talk. I have high dimples below my eyes so constantly cause creases when smiling. New lines seem to be constantly appearing. Mostly on my right eye. I also have milia around my eyes and on my cheeks. I have acne also…... Read more »