Are patients intubated for a Facelift?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A Q. Are patients intubated for a Facelift? I’m wondering how you can see what ones face looks like around the mouth area when a patient is intubated for a facelift? A. Great question! ​ ​There are 3 basic types of anesthesia used by themselves or in combination for facelift... Read more »

I recently had breast augmentation surgery and I am confused about when I can start exercising and how much. Can you clarify this?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A  Q. I recently had breast augmentation surgery and I am confused about when I can start exercising and how much. Can you clarify this? A. There are many considerations regarding the risk of complications following breast augmentation. Some of these concerns depend on whether the implant was placed over or under... Read more »

Can Restylane fillers under the eyes cause a central retina occlusion?

Dr. Dean Kane Q & A Q. Can Restylane fillers under the eyes cause a central retina occlusion? A. ​Blood vessel are tubes that start at the heart and branch in smaller and small diameter until you cannot see them as capillaries carrying platelets, red cells, white cells and other nutrients to all the structural cells in the... Read more »