Sculptra, ZO Skin Health and TCA Chemical Peels Combination
Dr. Dean Kane’s philosophy in rejuvenating the skin relies on stimulating the skin to produce collagen and elastin from below and above the skin at the same time. To achieve this, Dr. Kane advises all his patients to begin this anti-aging process with ZO Skin Health System to prepare their skin for a future TCA Chemical peel. At the same time, his patients can start the stimulation of their collagen and elastin below the skin with Sculptra. The powerful TCA Chemical Peel requires preparation of a minimum of 6 weeks using ZO Skin Health. The TCA Chemical Peel is a medium-depth peel that is stronger than glycolic and VI peels. This peel requires a 7-day recovery in which you are left with smooth, glowing new skin. The TCA Chemical Peel is truly affective at minimizing crepey skin, brown pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles and tightening skin laxity for people of all color.
For the ultimate rejuvenation of the skin, Dr. Dean Kane highly recommends combining Sculptra and TCA chemical peels. Many of his patients will do both procedures at the same time to avoid having two recoveries. Patients who have this combination will find that their crepey skin, fine lines, wrinkles are dramatically reduced. Their skin looks beautifully firm, tight, smooth, refreshed and glowing. This is Lauri Kane’s personal secret to her fountain of youth. She has this combination every year. She does not look her 70 years young.