Home » Sculptra and PDO Dermal Threadlifts for the Ultimate Non-Surgical Facelift

Sculptra and PDO Dermal Threadlifts for the Ultimate Non-Surgical Facelift

Sculptra and PDO Dermal Threadlifts for the Ultimate Non-Surgical Facelift

Dr. Dean Kane has been using Threadifts to non-surgically lift skin laxity of the face for over 20 years. While he is an excellent facelift plastic surgeon, Dr. Kane recognized that so many of his patients wanted options to have facelift like results without surgery. Twenty years ago the concept of just using a Threadlift to lift the face had been introduced, Dr. Kane saw this as a perfect solution for his patients. Since then, he has performed and gained tremendous experience at using Threadlift sutures to lift the skin laxity of the face and neck. These sutures must be placed in the right plane of the face to achieve maximum results. Also importantly, Dr. Kane identifies how many of these specialized Threads are needed to achieve the right level of lift of the face and neck for each of his patients. He personalizes his technique totally based on his patients’ needs.  Having his facelift experience, Threadlift procedures to achieve a non-surgical facelift have become a very successful procedure in his highly trained hands.

For patients who have thin and/or very lax skin, Threadlifts alone may not be sufficient to effectively lift the skin of the face and neck. Dr. Kane believes in preparing the face for a threadlift by using Sculptra to thicken and firm the skin to become much less thin and more elastic prior to performing the Threadlift.  By using Sculptra to the face and neck, this will stimulate Collagen and Elastin to firm and tighten the skin while the Threadlift lifts the lax skin upward. The PDO Threadlift sutures holds the skin up tight while the Sculptra is continually stimulating the skin to firm and tighten the whole face and neck providing a longer lasting lifting effect.