
Prevention of Aging for the Millennials Baltimore Maryland

Today’s Millennials are focused on preventing the aging process. This group of young professionals recognize that they want to keep their skin healthy and fresh. They learned from their parents that sun worshipping only leads to skin cancers and very damaged and aging skin.

For the Millennials, the ZO Skin Health Products by Dr. Zein Obagi are ideal to protect and prevent the aging process. The ZO Skin Products provide a mild but effective group of anti-oxidants, retinols, and a diverse array of sun blocks. There is a sunscreen protection skin product that blocks the damaging effects and protects the skin from the blue rays that come off our computer screens, damaging UV light that comes from indoor lighting to outdoor sun as well as technology devices that emit damaging rays. 

Keeping the skin clean and refreshed, our MediSpa offers an array of facials, peels, microdermabrasion and HydraFacials that add a deeper cleansing and exfoliation that is a complement to your home skin care regiment.

Call Today to Schedule Your Appointment!

To learn more about all the home care products that you can be using daily to protect and prevent the aging process be sure to contact us. You can reach us by calling 410-602-3322, texting our office cell phone 443-334-7868 or emailing us Lauri@DrDeanKane.com. Connect with us today to get started preventing the aging of your face.

To find out about facial procedures in Maryland, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at 410.602.3322 and ask for Lauri Kane. Schedule a Consultation Today