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What is a THERMItight® Neck Lift

…frequency waves to tighten and stimulate your own collagen and elastin to firm the face and neck. ThermiTight alone enhances patients’ appearance who have mild skin laxity and need the stimulation from this level of energy waves that achieves very effective firming of their loose skin tissues.

Silhouette InstaLift

…have bidirectional cones to redirect and tighten the skin on your face. The superficial layers of the skin gently lift the cheeks, jowls and upper neck. Patients see an immediate lifting effect within several weeks when the underlying tissue heals into its new position. The dissolving sutures then stimulate your…

Thread Lifts in Columbia, MD with Dr. Dean Kane

…under the skin. PDO is Polydioxanone and PLLA is Poly-L-Lactic Acid also known as Sculptra. Both have been FDA approved and are dissolvable or biodegradable molecules that have been used in surgeries for decades. What makes Thread Lift sutures unique from your typical dissolvable suture is that they have been

Body Lift

…these men and women, Dr. Kane can perform arm lifts and thigh lifts. It’s also common for women in Baltimore, Maryland to request a facelift or breast surgery to complete their new look.

Out of Town Patients

With his credentials and years of experience in plastic surgery in Maryland,…

Thread Lift Q&A with Dr. Dean Kane in Columbia, MD

…has been using threads to non-surgically create facelifts for over 15 years. He has over 30 years of performing surgical face and neck lift surgeons. Because of his vast knowledge of performing these facial rejuvenation procedures he understands the anatomy of the face and experience to know how to place…

Neck Lift


In Baltimore, neck lift surgery is increasingly popular as men and women discover the rejuvenating effect the procedure can have on their appearance. In fact, patients often combine facelift and neck lift surgery when they’re seeking a full update of their face and profile.


Microdermabrasion in Baltimore Maryland

Young Female with Smooth and Seamless Facial Skin

As you’re considering when it might be time for a Baltimore facelift procedure, or if you’re looking to extend the results of a surgical procedure, microdermabrasion could be a great choice for you.

In fact, while facial cosmetic surgery works wonders to tighten up sagging tissues, re-open your