There’s been a growing interest in LATISSE® ever since it was introduced and Dr. Kane’s office is no exception. LATISSE® is the first and only FDA-approved prescription treatment for inadequate or not enough eyelashes, growing them longer, fuller and darker. Discover the LATISSE® difference as we have!

LATISSE® solution is an actual growth treatment. In fact, it’s the only FDA-approved treatment clinically proven to grow lashes. And it’s the only lash growth product of its kind available by prescription. So you’ll need to talk to your doctor to see if it’s right for you. LATISSE® grows lashes longer, fuller and darker.
LATISSE® solution is a once-a-day treatment you apply topically to the base of your upper eyelashes, as instructed by your doctor. Then, gradually, the results
come in. You may start to see more length in as little as 4 weeks and you should achieve full growth in 16 weeks. It’s not an illusion of growth. If you are tired of getting eyelash extensions that fall off, need replacing, and require constant maintenance then LATISSE® may be for you. It’s your own eyelashes – only better! Look at our before and after gallery to see patients results from using LATISSE®. Join our email list by emailing Nina@DrDeanKane.com or visit our Specials page to savings and promotions for LATISSE®.
How LATISSE® works.
LATISSE® makes lash growth possible because of its active ingredient: bimatoprost. Although the precise mechanism of action is unknown, LATISSE® is believed to affect the growth (anagen) phase of the eyelash hair cycle in two ways: first, it increases the length of this phase, and second, it increases the number of hairs in this growth phase.
“I have always had long eyelashes. They were long, but blonde and hard to see without mascara. I started using LATISSE® as soon as it came out. I experienced new lash growth around the 4-6 week range. It is was amazing! I could actually see new small baby eyelash hairs growing in. My newly grown lashes and existing lashes had a growth spurt. I know have darker blonde lashes that are full and thick. I now wear mascara because I like to, not because I have to!” – Nina Schilling
The history behind LATISSE®.
It’s remarkable how one great product can lead to another. Such was the case with LATISSE®. Allergan, a leader and pioneer in eye care, dermatology and medical aesthetics, has introduced the world to a range of products, including LATISSE®, the first and only FDA-approved prescription treatment for inadequate or not enough eyelashes, growing them longer, fuller and darker. But its origin wasn’t completely new.
Back in 2001, Allergan developed a medicated eye drop used to treat ocular hypertension. In addition to successfully lowering eye pressure (the only treatable
risk factor for glaucoma), many patients using this medication experienced a side effect – they began to grow longer, fuller and darker lashes.
This led Allergan to begin its study of this medication’s active ingredient, bimatoprost ophthalmic solution 0.03%, for the sole purpose of generating lash growth. After conducting a clinical trial on safety and efficacy for 4 months on 278 patients, LATISSE® earned its FDA approval in December 2008. Since then, Allergan has sold approximately 1.5 million bottles of LATISSE® solution.
To find out about Latisse in Maryland, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at 410.602.3322 and ask for Lauri Kane. Schedule a Consultation Today