How Is the Thread Lift Performed?
Using just a local anesthetic, Dr. Dean Kane will first numb the areas of the face and body to be lifted. The sutures come within a sterilized cannula (a small blunted needle). These cannulas also have the added ability to provide more local anesthetic if the patient feels any discomfort while being inserted under the skin. The patient will feel pressure, but little to no pain. The procedure continues in a few different ways depending on what area of the body Dr. Kane is lifting. During your consultation, Dr. Kane will provide a complete evaluation and treatment plan.

If the goal is to plump wrinkles in and around the mouth then Dr. Kane would perform a mesh technique of injections and a smoother style thread is used. The smoother threads will stimulate collagen and elastin to reduce the lips lines or smoker lines, wrinkles that surround the chin and mouth area.
For an arm lift, a combination of smooth style threads and the twisted, barbed style would be used. The smooth style will be inserted to create a mesh-like result smoothing and plumping the crepey skin. The twisted and barbed style will be used to lift the skin laxity. This fantastic combination will be excellent at helping both issues.
**Individual results may vary from patient to patient**
Is the Threadlift procedure painful?
Because the threadlifts are done with a tiny needle, only a local anesthetic is used to numb the face, so you never feel any discomfort. For patients who are anxious about getting the numbing injections, Dr. Kane offers Pro-nox. Pro-Nox is a self-administered “laughing gas” that patients breath in when feeling any anxiety and pain and get an immediate relief. The Pro-Nox immediately relieves all patients’anxieties and you are in control of how much you breath in. The great part is that you can still drive yourself to the office and back home with the local anesthetic and Pro-nox. Click here to learn more about how Pro-Nox works.
What is Thread Lift Recovery?
The great news about the non-surgical use of the Thread Lift is that there is no need for any incisions, external stitches, no sedation anesthesia, or extensive recovery. The PDO Threads are inserted through tiny puncture sites that close on their own by the very next day. Patients can expect some mild swelling and bruising for approximately a week. If there is any extensive bruising, a steroid pack can be prescribed to quickly reduce the swelling. Ice packs are also very helpful in reducing bruising and swelling. On occasion mild puckering can occur, but with massage and time the puckering goes away within 1-2 weeks.
A facial or body garment may be advised for approximately a week to hold the sutures in place while they set within in the skin. Dr. Kane recommends that physical activities be reduced to not jolt the sutures for 1 to 2 weeks. If one’s employment does not entail physical activity or lifting then you can return to work the very next day. Make-up can be applied to cover any potential bruising.
Over the counter pain relievers can help with minimal discomfort. Patients should avoid direct sun, submersion in a hot sauna or bathtub, swimming, vigorous washing of the face and no face down pressure from a massage or yoga type activity.
To find out about Thread Lift procedures in Columbia, MD at (410) 602-3322 to speak directly with Lauri Kane or email her