
Chemical Peels Q&A

Dr. Kane’s commitment to Skin Health is synonymous with the success of skin peeling. The skin needs to peel its outer dead layer to reveal glowing new skin underneath. To achieve healthy skin all year round we highly recommend a well-prescribed homecare plan using ZO Skin Health Products by Zein Obagi, MD which will enable you to achieve excellent ongoing results.

All our facials and chemical peels are individualized to help smooth texture and acne scars, correct skin discoloration and improve fine lines and wrinkles.

Our medical-grade chemical peels are proven to revitalize and renew your skin. We address immediate concerns with large pores, color tone, acne, and rosacea. A series of 1 to 3 peels can offer the change and consistency needed to build healthy skin.

How do Chemical Peels Work?

A specialized chemical solution is applied to the skin for a designated period. The peel solution helps to improve skin appearance and texture by gently removing the outer layers of damaged skin. The peeling agents help to regenerate new skin cells during the healing process. The different formulations and strengths of peels achieve specific results, meeting the patient’s individual needs.

What should I Expect During The Chemical Peel Procedure?

The measurement of a successful peel is assuring that the combination of the chemical peel with the prescribed time for proper neutralization. The treatment is enhanced with therapeutic serums for skin nourishment and a protective layer of moisturizer with sunscreen.

What Should Expect After A Chemical Peel?

The first 24-48 hours the skin will appear pink to red, a stronger peel creates the sensation of a sunburn feeling. With the appearance of flaking skin by day three which lasts 3-4 days, the peel removes the buildup of old skin and improves texture and tone. Our stronger 20-30% peels initiate 7-9 days of peeling. Your post peel kit supports added hydration. Keeping the skin well hydrated minimizes any swelling and reduces redness. With our mild to moderate peels, makeup can be worn by day three. A complimentary follow up after seven days provides a final clean up for a brighter, healthy glow.

Call Today to Schedule Your Appointment!

To book an appointment for any of our MediSpa treatments and to begin your skin health rejuvenation, contact us today. You can reach us by calling (410) 602-3322, texting our office cell phone (443) 334-7868, or emailing us at Lauri@DrDeanKane.com.

To find out about facial procedures in Maryland, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at (410) 602-3322 and ask for Lauri Kane. Schedule a Consultation Today