
Breast Lift

For almost every woman, it’s not a matter of “if” her breasts will sag, it’s about “when” and “how much.” For many women, breast lift surgery in Baltimore, Maryland with Dr. Dean Kane can help restore a youthful figure.



**Individual results may vary from patient to patient**

Pregnancy, nursing, excessive weight loss or gain and the aging process can cause your breasts to lose their natural elasticity. As they begin to sag or hang, you may find yourself seeking baggy clothing to disguise an unattractive profile, feeling self-conscious or even avoiding certain social and intimate situations altogether.

For our patients in Baltimore, breast lift surgery, medically known as mastopexy, can take years off the body’s appearance by correcting a drooping bust line and restoring curves to their youthful state. If you’re ready to find out more, request a personal consultation with Dr. Kane.

To find out about Breast Lifts in Maryland, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at (410) 602-3322 and ask for Lauri Kane. Schedule a Consultation Today

The Breast Lift Procedure

Dr. Kane performs all of his breast lift procedures in his Baltimore, Maryland office. During the typical breast lift procedure, Dr. Kane makes incisions around the areolas then down and under the breast inside the crease. He removes excess skin and tightens and lifts the bust line. Breast lift surgery can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or with an implant to give more fullness to the breasts. It is also often performed in conjunction with breast reduction surgery.

For some women, a variation known as a “donut pexy” is a good choice. In this procedure, incisions are confined to the rim of the areolas and skin is removed from this area only. Dr. Kane most often uses this approach with patients who want implants to increase their size at the same time they’re having their breasts lifted.

After Breast Lift

Dr. Kane uses twilight sedation for his breast lift procedures, enabling his patients to avoid the few days of grogginess and nausea that often accompany general anesthesia. Most of his Baltimore breast lift patients experience mild discomfort after their surgery.

You can expect some amount of swelling, bruising and change in breast and nipple sensation, but these after-effects subside within a few to several days. You’ll need to rest and avoid strenuous activity for a short time, but you’ll probably be ready to go back to work in about a week.

To learn more about breast lift and about Dr. Dean Kane, contact the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at (410) 602-3322. If you ask for Lauri Kane, she can answer your questions and give you an estimate over the phone. Or simply request an appointment online with Dr. Dean Kane. They both look forward to introducing you to their practice on Reservoir Circle in Baltimore, serving Delaware, the Eastern Shore and southern Pennsylvania as well as Maryland communities like Annapolis.

Breast Lift Recovery

Regarding Breast Lift Surgery or Mastopexy of the breasts, Dr. Dean Kane in his
Baltimore Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Medspa performs two very unique types of breast lifts and therefore has two different recovery periods. The Donut
Mastopexy or Donut Breast Lift only removes a circular amount of excess skin from around the areola, the nipple stays attached and is moved up higher up on the breast and then Dr. Kane reattaches the outer circle of breast skin to the areola. There are no other scars on the breast. Dr. Kane performs this procedure in only 1 ½ to 2 hours and the recovery is almost painless and fast. Patients can return to work in less than a week and back to most activity except for running in 2 weeks. Lifting should be kept to a minimum of 10 pounds or less, but active patients can return to their active lives within 1-2 weeks.

Recovery from a traditional breast lift or Mastopexy or Breast Reduction is more involved surgeries than the simpler Donut Breast Lift because the excess skin is being removed in a keyhole type pattern or anchor pattern and there is more pressure on the scars to hold everything together. With a breast reduction, the same scar pattern is used, but skin and excess breast tissue are removed which is even more invasive surgery. These breast surgeries take Dr. Kane longer to perform. There are more scars associated with the traditional breast lift that needs extra healing time and longer overall recovery. Dr. Dean Kane recommends a minimum of 2 weeks for a breast lift and 3-4 weeks for a breast reduction. Absolutely no lifting is allowed for all these weeks, exercise is kept to only walking and driving is permitted after 2 weeks only. Dr. Kane is very cautious to prevent the stress of a lot of movement on the scars that could cause the scars to open up. Dr. Kane watches his patients closely after surgery to make sure the patients are following his advice and restricting their movement after surgery. Dr. Kane wants his patients to have the perky breast lift they desire as much as the patient.

To find out about Breast Lifts in Maryland, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at (410) 602-3322 and ask for Lauri Kane. Schedule a Consultation Today