Search Results for: sculptra

Sculptra in Columbia with Dr. Dean Kane


Sculptra: The Non-Surgical Skin Tightening for Face and Neck

Sculptra is advised when the skin has lost a lot of its collagen and elastin and has become thin and lax. Sculptra is an injectable that is performed by Dr. Kane. Sculptra is injected into…

Sculptra for Crepey Skin of the Hands, Arms and Neck


Sculptra for Crepey Skin of the Hands, Arms and Neck

Sculptra for Crepey Skin on Arms

Sculptra works even on older aging crepey skin to thicken and smooth the skin on upper arms. Women who feel they can no longer wear sleeveless dresses or blouses

Sculptra Q&A with Dr. Kane in Columbia, MD

…usually see the wonderful effects of Sculptra after 6 weeks after the second session of Sculptra.

How long will Sculptra last?

After the second session, Sculptra will continue to stimulate the production of your collagen and elastin in the skin for up to a year. At the first…

Sculptra for Cellulite & Liposuction Irregularities

…and depressions in the skin.

Sculptra to the Rescue to Smooth and Fill in Irregularities due to Cellulite.

Dr. Kane injects Sculptra into these pockets of irregularities to stimulate your own tissues to fill in and smooth out the dimples and dents. Sculptra is not a filler, but…

Sculptra to Smooth and Firm Buttocks


Sculptra is Ideal to Smooth and Firm the Buttocks

Do you have concerns with dimpling and laxity of your buttocks? Trying to enhance your buttocks to create a smoother and firmer buttock? Sculptra is your answer. Sculptra is a non-surgical approach to stimulate your collagen and elastin of

How Sculptra Reverses the Aging Face

Sculptra in your early 40’s would be the best timing to start the Sculptra treatments. If you are seeing the effects of sun damage of the skin in your late 30’s, Sculptra can make a significant difference in reversing the damage to your skin. It is much easier to prevent…

How is Sculptra Injected?


How is Sculptra injected?

Sculptra requires multiple sessions done over a 12-week process. In the first session, Dr. Kane will inject 2 vials of Sculptra, one for each side of the face. Each vial is diluted with water and lidocaine that immediately numbs the face as

Recovery Instructions for Sculptra


Are There Instructions with Sculptra?

YES, Very Important Ones!! Dr. Kane will require that you meet with our patient coordinator to learn what you will need to do before and after the procedure with Sculptra. 1. Because Sculptra requires multiple sessions, Dr. Kane will require you

Sculptra for Crepey Arms and Legs in Columbia, MD


Can Sculptra help cellulite and crepey skin of the arms, legs and other areas of the body?


Dr. Dean Kane is well known as a skilled injector and has been using Sculptra for over 15 years. We have patients coming in every year to