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Fillers for Complete Facial Rejuvenation


As a plastic surgeon Dr. Kane has over 35 years of expertise in using injectables and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. He has developed a certain finesse to provide a personalized approach for his patients. Dr. Kane uses two different families of fillers, Restylane and Revance. They are both hyaluronic acid gel fillers but are unique from each other. Both companies create fillers with a wide range of effects from small volume to large volume fillers with different structural qualities.  Dr. Kane can select the exact filler that will be best to fulfill the needs of his patients.

When it comes to fillers Dr. Kane has unique skills when injecting fillers for full facial rejuvenation. Starting from the top of the face and moving down, Dr. Kane uses a variety of fillers to enhance and rejuvenate the entire face in a very natural and subtle way.

Fillers for Forehead

Starting with the brows, Dr. Kane can fill the horizontal deep wrinkles in the forehead and the 11 wrinkles between the eyebrows. Using fillers in the forehead should only be done by a highly skilled injector. Because Dr. Kane has done both browlift and facelift surgeries, he is extremely skilled at injecting fillers into the brows. Fillers are used in the brows when after use of Botox, Dysport or Daxxify a patient still has deep creases between the eyebrows or along the forehead, the best solution is to fill those creases with the filler. Dr. Kane uses a very unique filler called RHA 2 from Revance. This filler uniquely blends smoothly into the skin without leaving any lumps or bumps. What is great about adding filler is it lasts one year and extends the effects of the Botox.

Fillers for Temples

Moving down the face to the temples, many patients as they age will develop an indented or hollowing on the sides of the foreheads. These indented areas leave a narrowing from the cheeks up to the forehead. By using fillers to plump out these hollow indents, the fillers will extend the cheeks up and outward giving patients a more heart-shaped face.

Fillers for Cheeks

Fillers for the cheeks are probably the number one request by our patients. Patients have so many concerns when it comes to their cheeks. For example, patients often complain about dark circles under their eyes. This is often caused by the loss of volume on the cheeks creating a hollow appearance under the eyes. By using a canula technique, Dr. Kane uses fillers to plump the hollows or tear troughs under the eyes which in turn reduce the dark circles. For patients who have bags under their eyes, Dr. Kane can use fillers to camouflage the bags by blending the bags to the upper cheeks. For patients who want more fuller cheeks, Dr. Kane enhances the cheeks with fillers to provide a more beautiful apple of the cheek.

Fillers for Nasal Folds

Nasal folds are an issue for all patients. Nasal folds are the result of loss of volume in the cheeks as well as skin laxity of the face. Dr. Kane recognizes that by using the correct filler he can fill in the hollows created by the folds leaving a much smoother appearance on the face. Often Dr. Kane will advise his patients to also add filler into the cheeks at the same time to replenish the lost volume that causes the nasal fold.

Fillers for Lips

Enhancing women’s lips can make the most dramatic changes to a woman’s face.  Women have so many concerns about their lips which vary from very thin lips, lip lines or smoker lines, wrinkles in the lips and a downward looking smile. Dr. Dean Kane has perfected his lip filler skills. With the use of a range of fillers, he selects the perfect filler for the perfect pucker.  Again, the specificity of the filler along with Dr. Dean Kane’s techniques are needed to completely rejuvenate lips and the entire area around the mouth.

Fillers for Receded Chin

Patients who have receded chins are unhappy with their profiles and desire a more projected chin. Dr. Dean Kane uses a very structural type of filler to not only add volume to the chin but injects the filler in a way that will give the right projection and profile. Most people will need 1-2 fillers to give sufficient amount of projections. A patient may also want to add fillers along the jawline as well to achieve a stronger jawline.