Search Results for: neck

The Neck Lift or Neck Suspension for Men


The Neck Lift or Neck Suspension surgery for men is very effective to reduce the size and fullness of the neck without extensive surgery. Dr. Dean Kane himself has had the neck suspension surgery when he was in his mid-thirties. While Dr. Kane has always maintained his weight, he

Neck Lift


In Baltimore, neck lift surgery is increasingly popular as men and women discover the rejuvenating effect the procedure can have on their appearance. In fact, patients often combine facelift and neck lift surgery when they’re seeking a full update of their face and profile.


What is a THERMItight® Neck Lift

…to regain a tightening of their jowls and necks.

**Individual results may vary from patient to patient**

Who are good candidates for the ThermiTight?

Anyone who is looking for a refreshed appearance that has mild to moderate skin laxity of their lower face and neck. Men and women…

Sculptra for Crepey Skin of the Hands, Arms and Neck

…get smoother and tighter. A yearly injection of Scuptra will be required to maintain the smooth and tight skin.

Sculptra for Loose and Crepey Neck Skin

Women and men who are concerned with skin laxity of the neck can use Sculptra to firm and tighten their necks. Even…

ThreadLift & Lipo Combo for Face and Neck

…combination of Lipo-Countouring and Threadlift to the face and neck. The lipo-contouring will remove the fat under the neck, chin, jowls and the lower face below the cheeks providing a much more defined jawline, thinner neck and a distinguished contour from the cheeks down to the jawline.

The lipo-contouring…

Dr. Dean Kane Answers Question Regarding Facelift and Neck Lipo Healing


Q: Request for a second opinion: Horizontal bands across my neck after facelift and neck lipo. Is this normal? I know it’s still early, and I have talked with my surgeon, but I would just like another opinion. I’m 3 weeks out from a facelift and neck lipo. I

Dr. Dean Kane Answers Question Regarding Neck Asymmetry

…then, the right side of my neck still looks good, while the left is saggy and baggy again. I haven’t been able to think about another treatment until now. Is it possible you can correct the unevenness of my neck at this point?

A: Thanks for sharing your photo….

Facial Rejuvenation for Men

Smiling Handsome Middle-Aged Male With Checkered Shirt
…chin, where Dr. Kane brings the platysmaplasty neck muscles together to reduce the neck banding and tightening the neck in an upward position to give the neck a completely tight and lifted neck.

With this procedure, Dr. Kane also lifts the SMAS muscles of the face to bring the…