Laser Skin Rejuvenation, ZO 3-Step Peel and The VI Peel in Baltimore Maryland
A ZO Skin Health Program is widely utilized to complete the total Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation of the face for Dr. Dean Kane’s Maryland Patients. Laser Skin Rejuvenation, ZO 3-Step Peel or VI Peels are used to stop the aging of the facial skin, reverse aging and maintain a beautiful healthy tight, smooth glow to the skin.
Getting Skin Ready (GSR) for ZO Skin Therapeutics
Dr. Kane advises to start a ZO Skin regiment with the GSR Skin Products. The goal of GSR is to build skin strength and deep skin renewal. Using the GSR ZO Skin Products to stimulate, hydrate and calm the skin. The special GSR Skin Products provide DNA repair, improve skin barrier function, overall improvement to the skin health prior to, or in combination of, skin correction.
ZO Skin Therapeutics
After using GSR Skin Products for 2-4 weeks, Dr. Kane then advances the patient in using the ZO Skin Health with Retin A to provide a powerful exfoliation and prepare the skin for the Chemical Peel or the Laser Skin rejuvenation with IPL and Erbium Pixel. The Skin Program used in Dr. Kane’s Maryland Center For Cosmetic Surgery and Medspa is designed to precondition, straighten, and prepare the skin for correction to minimize all brown pigmentation, age spots, reduce fine lines, tighten skin laxity and lighten red capillaries of the face to achieve glowing smooth healthy skin.
Many of our dramatic results of the skin program can be found in our before and after photo gallery. The costs of all our skin care services can be found on our Medi-Spa Menu. The specific prices for the Laser Skin Rejuvenation for IPL and Erbium Fractional Laser as well as our Chemical Peels and VI Peels are often on special and can be found on our specials & promotions page. The recovery of Laser Skin Rejuvenation and Chemical peels can vary from 1-7 days depending on the depth of the procedure. Dr. Kane and staff will guide you to give you an accurate estimate of what to expect for each of our procedures and how much time you may need to take off from work.