Dr. Dean Kane Answers Question Regarding a Downturned Mouth

Q: Is there a procedure that helps a downturned mouth? I‘m considering a lower face/neck lift, will that help with the appearance of a frown? A: Thanks for sharing your photos. It is helpful but not complete. I notice the aging process of skin laxity, folds, jowls and asymmetry. The beginnings of facial skin laxity... Read more »

Dr. Dean Kane Answers Question Regarding Potential Mid-Facelift Effects a Decade After Surgery

¿Que medicamento para el dolor es mejor después de un levantamiento de cara o traslado de gordura?
Q: The reason for the strange expression after long term mid-facelift surgery? First of all, thank you very much for your valuable comments in advance .. a relative of mine had an endoscopic mid-facelift 12 years ago, but now when he smiles, his cheeks look strange. as if her cheeks were placed on her face afterwards .. I am considering a subperiosteal mid-facelift if it suits me. Still, will I have such a problem in the future?